Build a consistently profitable freelance business.

You decided to go freelance to be free…but nobody told you that it would be chaotic, inconsistent, stressful, and confusing. I’m here to help you stabilize your income as a confident freelancer.

 seen IN

Package clear offers

De-Fluff your copy

Sell Live on Zoom

The truth about building a freelance business is that…

→ Even if you’re the best at your skill (copy, design, coaching) getting clients is tough because the space is so saturated.

→ It’s hard to go it alone. One day you feel like you got this, then a client leaves or a retainer cancels, and your mindset is shuttered to pieces.

→ Copying what others are doing and jumping on seasonal trends is not a long-term strategy for a consistently profitable business.

→ With me as your coach, you’ll learn fundamental business skills, from positioning to sales, brand-building and social media while I hold you accountable week after week

Is this you?

You’ve taken the courses but don’t see the results you want. And you feel frustrated because you see others in your niche totally crushing it.

You don’t like to sell your services and your proposals often get ghosted via email.

You have too many ideas and wish that someone would tell you when you’re distracting yourself and when something is worth pursuing.

You’ve done ok so far but you’re ambitious and want to perform even better

From freshly unemployed to $65K + reuniting with her soulmate.

Sadaf lost her job in Korea after her work visa expired. Almost overnight, she was uprooted from the life she created for herself, having to leave her soulmate and best friends and move back to Texas with her parents. Anxious, lost, and feeling down, she sent me an email and asked me to coach her so she can rebuild her life step-by-step. First, we set out to polish her copywriting portfolio. Then, we created a killer pitch and sent it out to as many job opportunities as necessary.

I coached her on interviewing and her confidence steadily grew. She landed a $65K per year contract with a 7+ figure SAAS startup. In fact, she was up against another candidate who was “more qualified” but they hired Sadaf because of her confidence. She has been with the company for almost a year now and is up for a promotion. She has also bought her ticket to Korea to reunite with her boo. And since we focused on self-care, Sadaf reports that her jeans fit way better now because I’ve been keeping her accountable to go to the gym.

-Sadaf Momin — Marketing Specialist for a 7-figure startup

My signature method




clarity • copy • conversion •

Here’s my repeatable system

  • I know you have tons of ideas. Maybe you even have ADHD (many of my clients do). The first step we’ll do is review what services or products you offer and only keep the ones that make sense.

    We’ll dee-dive into your ideal client avatar (ICA), build a profile for them and refresh your brand so that it matches this person.

    We may also create a unique framework or process to help you stand out.

  • Now that you’re clear on what you’re selling and to whom, we’ll upgrade your copy.

    I’ll help you de-fluff your messaging (might get ugly, not gonna lie) and with your clear messaging, you’ll start showing up online on the exact platforms where your ICA is hanging out.

    We’ll upgrade your pitch if you’re a service provider so you land more discovery calls.

  • Now we’re down to the juicy bits! Conversion (sales) is the engine of any business. Without it, you won’t be profitable.

    This is where I train you on my sales process that closes at 95%.

    We’ll qualify your prospects first, then you’ll show up Live on Zoom and seal the deal.

    We’ll follow that up with a contract or statement of work, and celebrate when the payment hits your bank account.

With me as your coach, you fast-track your way to…

>> FREEDOM — you’ll build a routine that puts you in charge.

A number of my clients were feeling overwhelmed and did too many unnecessary things.

Together, we worked on establishing priorities and focusing on the offers with best ROI.

>> CLARITY — you’ll crystalize your offers, price them correctly, and go after your ideal client in the right niche.

Some of my clients have struggled with 20+ ideas at once (especially those with ADHD). I’ve helped them choose and stick with a clear idea to sell out their offers.

>> PROFIT — you’ll learn how to get and qualify leads close 80-95% of them with a repeatable sales process.

A number of my clients have hit $10,000+ per month.

“Show me how it works, D!”

The reason why my methods are so effective is that I focus on both your analytical (left) brain and create a safe, engaging experience for your creative (right) brain.

  • I will teach you:

    *How to crystalize your ideal client avatar (ICA)

    *How to pick a niche

    *We’ll de-fluff your copy to attract leads faster

    *Build a content bank

    *Create and schedule content stress-free, not from scratch

    *Package your skills into offers

    *Price your services

    *Negotiate with confidence

    *Sell without feeling icky (by the time we’re done, it’ll be your hobby)

    *Build and launch an email list

    *Grow your audience

    *Gather convincing case studies

    *Launch a course/ program/ membership

    *Process payments, build an events calendar, automate appointments

    *Qualify leads and book sales calls while you sleep

    *Define your brand and media bio

    *Pitch yourself to podcasts and authority websites

    *Run a chatbot to convert leads on Instagram

  • 9/10 times, my clients don’t even see the mindset sh*t that’s causing them to make poor choices.

    We’ll bring those to light and work on them step-by-step.

    You will feel 100% supported, seen, heard, and empowered not just when you’re talking to me but to anyone.

    As a result, you’ll start feeling more confident (some of my female clients even started dressing nicer).

    I’ll help you begin saying NO to people who ask you to do stuff that you don’t want to.

    We’ll take a look at your relationships — I am not certified as a dating coach but I’m happy to give you real talk when you’re about to make a mistake in a relationship or tell you when someone’s using you.

Go from employee to CEO.

“D, I feel like a legit CEO.”

Savannah negotiated a promotion as a Senior Copywriter, landed 2 podcast interview invitations, a feature in Authority Magazine, overhauled her entire product suite to sell digital products+ services, and build a gorgeous website from scratch.

Savannah Klemm, Copywriter, Brand Expert

What you get

Private Sessions

You, me, my iPAD (I teach in a visible way) + near-10 years of experience in marketing, branding, and mindset. You’ll get an assignment weekly.

Daily coaching on demand

Text or voice note me Mon-Fri on WhatsApp. Got a question? Freaking out? Need a boost before a big meeting? I’m a text away.

A community

Work with me for 6 or 12 months and you’ll get access to the Activated Mastermind - a high-level business and marketing training group of likeminded creatives.

“I got my first paid coaching clients!”

Deeksha came to me uninspired, spiraling into confusion, feeling invisible at work. Today, she is stone-cold-confident, has landed features in Fortune and Yahoo Finance, and is so visible at work, she even got a juicy performance bonus. She then launched her financial coaching services with a tiny audience of 234 from scratch on Instagram and got her first paid clients.

From a $300 project to $94,000.

Ana Cristina wanted to grow her marketing business. We began by revisiting her favorite projects. She pitched a $300-client a retainer which started as $4,000/m and then grew into a full-blown senior level opportunity at an 8+ figure business where she now earns $94,000 per year and travels around the world giving presentations on her clients’s dime.

“I made my whole investment back with one class!”

Faith is a copywriter who wanted to grow her client base and pivot to coaching. Within 4 months, she landed a number of new clients, a copy retainer, and launched her Upwork coaching practice. With a 90-min masterclass, she sold $6,000 worth of 1:1 coaching spots + 4 more coaching offers to date.

A complete shift in productivity.

Sarah wanted to reclaim control of her day as a freelance copywriter. We completely dismantled her daily routine and rebuilt it from scratch. Now, she feels in control, she has time for self-care, and she feels ready to take on anything. During our work together, she landed a profitable retainer in her dream niche.

Are we the right fit?

Here’s who I look for. You are:

  • Driven, ambitious, creative

  • Excited to try new things

  • Ready to take action

  • Show up on time and ready to work

  • Ask for help and accept advice

  • Have a secure income that you want to grow

Case studies

  • Jackie Dunn

    Jackie took a bold step in quitting her 9 to 5. Together, we are working on optimizing her daily routine so she can stay in control in spite of her ADHD. She has a powerful 3-step plan for outreach and is mastering the sales conversation with new leads. She's already landed paid clients on Upwork and is having recruiters reach out to her. Her mindset has become resilient and she shakes sh*t off almost instantly.

  • Ty Neyedly

    Ty joined my live coaching program as a shy dad of two, figuring out his way through entrepreneurship solo. Now, he is confident (reports going from a 2 to an 8.5!), excited to be seen, visible on social media, and speaking to potential clients like a badass pro. He finally found his groove on Instagram and has been posting consistently and fearlessly. He has landed a number of new clients and a retainer.

  • Kathleen Maly

    Kathleen is a mompreneur. She’s busy with outreach and taking care of her lil man. We worked on raising her self-worth and confidence. The result — she feels safe pitching her highest proposals yet and she landed a marketing gig that lets her work from home while expecting her second baby. She’s fully embracing a slower life while still growing professionally.

  • Aishah Shah

    Aishah had taken dozens of courses but had mindset blocks that needed to be reprogrammed. We focused on tightening her offer suite and teaching her how to ask for and receive help. We worked on clarity and routine optimization. To her shock(and pride) she became the ultimate morning person and found more time for self-care. She clocked in her first $10K month, one of many. She recently hired her first employee and is on her way to building a social media agency.

  • Caz Tanner

    Caz re-launched her podcast and has been consistent with it for over 2 months now. Together, we reprogrammed her limiting beliefs so now she's able to show up on Instagram and share her work without fear of judgment. Her personal life has improved dramatically as she's set firm boundaries with friends and relationships. She's even thinking about starting a business in her local community and is quickly growing her influence on the local scene.

  • Olive Lukic

    Olive came craving clarity. She had tons of ideas and was thinking herself in circles. Having ADHD was only making the matters worse, as she felt like choosing a niche would limit her. Together, we deconstructed her passion, ideal client demographic, and created a plan of action for her to launch her very first online program and digital course. She walked away calmer and clear on her next steps in spite of her countless ideas.

  • Lisa Avila

    Lisa is a mom-preneur raising 3 boys. She's a certified life coach and has decades of experience in the marketing industry. Together, we've been working on crystalizing her offers, saying no to charging *hourly,* showing. up on Instagram to confidently sell her offers, and closing proposals with prospects (and their board of directors) live via Zoom fearlessly. Lisa has gone on to launch her own program, host Instagram lives interviewing other entrepreneurs she has met through our community, and feel proud of her tangible growth.

  • Sonali Oberoi

    Sonali is a copywriter living in London. She went from daily anxiety, riding the freelance rollercoater to landing 2X steady retainers within the first 2.5 months of us working together. With that stability, she's been able to travel all over Europe, buy nicer clothes, and feel so much more confident about her skills. Sonali has become the queen of cold pitching, landing projects (some with soulmate clients) with a single cold email. Best of all, she's gotten much better at managing her business anxiety.

  • Ana Dobrevska

    Ana is a back-end operations specialist. She came to me with a solid portfolio but no leads. Having taken a year off her business, she was eager to re-start her lead generation efforts. In a week, we created her strategy, worked on speaking in front of a camera, de-fluffing her pitch, and boosting her confidence. By the end of our coaching month, she was having interviews with prospects getting closer and closer to landing her next retainer. We dug really deep into scarcity mindset and how to begin seeing business from a new, less all-or-nothing perspective.

  • Maria Sultan

    When Maria hired me as her 1:1 coach, she was stuck in a 9-5 job in Pakistan where all she did was “busy” work with zero creativity. We worked on Maria’s resume, pitch, and sales skills. Within 4 weeks, she landed a paid marketing internship with a US-based company. Two months later, the company offered her a full-time marketing position that pays 3X as much as her desk job. Now, Maria is free to spend her time flexibly, gets to put her creativity to work, and earns more money than ever before (which she absolutely deserves!)

  • Kim Bui

    “D! thank you so much for helping me really build the confidence to run my business and communicate the value I bring to my clients! being a first-time entrepreneur is hard enough as it and I really needed a mentor to tell put me in check and help me on the right track so thank you so much!” Kim and I focused on her mindset, pitch, and how to navigate negotiation with new clients and difficult leads. By the end of our coaching, she felt more prepared to handle whatever comes her way and was fully, fiercely wearing the shoes of a real entrepreneur even as a first-timer.

  • Kremi Mestanova

    Kremi is a former law student and new copywriter. She wanted the accountability of working together so she could finish her portfolio which she had procrastinated on for months. Not only did she complete her portfolio, but she began cold pitching, landed one prospect in a week and had a killer sales call. “I’m so proud, D, I led the whole call from start to finish and felt confident to quote higher prices than I was going to originally!” she told me. She signed the client and landed her first-ever retainer!

  • Caterina Zuccagnoli

    Cat came to me for help with pitching, outreach, and sales calls. As a creative copywriter with ADHD juggling her studies and a job, she wanted to pick up a new client and get back into momentum. Within 3 weeks, she landed two discovery calls, and felt confident and clear on exactly what to say and how to lead the conversation. By the end of our work together, she was being considered for both projects.

My story

I was raised by a single mom on a $300/month salary in Bulgaria after we lost my dad. I taught myself English by watching MTV, and was severely bullied in school for being a nerd.

At 15, I won a scholarship to study in the US and then landed a $250,000 scholarship to go to college at Trinity in Connecticut.

I worked my way up from door-to-door sales, been hotel receptionist, and cashier at a bagel shop, to a startup sales leader and copywriter working on campaigns worth $8M+.

In 2017, I quit the office, moved into a tree house and built a 6-figure online business from zero in 13 months. If I was able to do it with all these odds stacked against me…I’m confident that you can too.

I'm ready, Coach D!

I'm ready, Coach D!

If reading all of this fired you up & you’re ready for full-time freedom with your own profitable business…let’s go for it.

Got Q’s?

  • You can expect personalized attention. We’ll set actionable goals and hit them.

    I’ll check on you weekly, and you’ll show up confident knowing that you’ve got your power coach ready to give you advice Monday-Friday on-demand, help when you get stuck, and bust your limiting beliefs.

    I’m direct, no-BS, and loyal AF.

    Your transformation will be visible. Your closest people and team will notice you showing up like the CEO you’re meant to be. Your marketing and social media will be constant and cohesive — elegant. No more Frankensteining random Canva stuff.

    You will have clarity on what you want to do, for whom, and how. We will package your talents into offers and prepare your audience for a launch. Your mindset will elevate as you embody security, abundance, and resilience.

  • Your choice, we can start with as little as 1 month all the way up to 12 months, depending on how much accountability and support you need.

    The 1-month option is ideal if you need a small kickstart while the 6 and 12-month option is best if you need a bigger lift and the consistency needed to deeply improve your business and lifestyle.

  • It depends on where you’re at. We’ll sit down for an initial plan of action (all of this will be recorded, documented, and presented to you visually on my iPad in session).

    1) We’ll clarify your mission, ideal client, and prepare your offer suite

    2) We’ll build your audience with 3 methods. This will depend on how consistent you have been so far.

    3) We will work on earned media exposure — podcast interviews and high-level website mentions. My clients have been featured in Fortune and Yahoo Finance.

    4) Your mindset will elevate and you’ll hold a bigger vision for yourself. Scary things feel achievable. I will help you embody independence and rock-solid confidence and self-safety.

    My clients so far have come to me for help with building and launching online programs and coaching, getting more clients as copywriters, and improving their habits to stay consistent with their goals.

  • Daily! I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll be building the business with you.

    You’ll be able to text or voice note me every day Monday-Friday on WhatsApp within work hours and ask questions, get feedback, and vent when you need to.

    We’ll sit down for 3 monthly Zoom sessions to plan, reflect, and practice skills including mock sales and discovery calls.

    “Having you on speed dial is literally my favorite thing, it makes me feel so calm and supported!” - Sadaf Momin

  • This is a monthly breakdown, multiply that by 6 for 6 months or 12 for 12 months:

    >>3X 30-min private 1:1 sessions

    >>22 days on-demand coaching via text and voice note on WhatsApp

    You will get the recordings of each to keep forever.

    Accountability — I will give you an assignment at each session and will check on your progress.

    Complementary access to the Activated Mastermind if we work together for 6+ months.

  • I don’t choose based on gender. My energy is a mid-strike balance between assertive masculine and caring feminine. I work with both men and women.

    Who I look for is a driven, ambitious, creative entrepreneur who’s ready to take supported action now.

  • First off, this is an investment that is meant to pay off for you by a multiple, just know that.

    Here’s the breakdown:

    1 Month $1,700 (payment plan available with no extra fees)

    6 Months $1,500/m

    12 Months $1,250/m

    [Pay in full discount available]

real talk…

Doing the same thing will get you the same results. #logic

I see too many people doing the same sh*t day in and out and wondering why they aren’t getting the results they want (?!?)

With me in your corner, you’ll be able to zoom out and see the BIGGER picture.

We’ll reverse-engineer a plan of action to get you there and split it into step-by-step chunks you can hit consistently.

No more trying to piece together strategies that worked for someone else.

You’re unique and you need strategies designed for you - it’s that simple.

You could try to figure it out on your own for another (mediocre) year OR — you can get expert business coaching and speed your growth up now.